Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Lazy days...

I'm bored. Mom went for a week to my grandmother and I miss her a little.


  1. Sheldon you should have meowed before about your Mum leaving you for a week, we would have loved to have you stay for a visit.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  2. Oh we hope she hurries home! And brings you a present!!

  3. Aww, poor kitty! I hope she makes it up to you when she gets back, and doesnt stay away long!

  4. Think of all the extra napping you can do! We could come over for a house trashing party.We can bring lots of mice from the fields. It will be a surprise for your mum when she comes home.

  5. When my human is out of town, I miss her at dinnertime, if she has left feeding duties to her not-as-competent boyfriend.

  6. We're sorry you're missing your Mommy so much. We sure hope she hurries home, and gives you lots of attention (and TREATS). :) Hugs to you, sweet one.

  7. Hi Sheldon! We are here to wish you a very happy first birthday! We hope your mom is back, and taking good care of you. Maybe she'll give you special treats for your birthday. It wouldn't hurt to ask!

  8. Happy Birthday Sheldon!!

    The Florida Furkids

  9. Happy Birthday, Sheldon. We came by to meet the birthday kitty.

    Um, Shelton, we just discovered you have word verification on and lots of bloggers besides us have trouble reading it to leave a comment. Would you consider turning it off?

  10. Happy Birthday Sheldon!!!

    Luf, Us

  11. Happy Purrrrthday, Sheldon. We hope your Mom made it back from grandma's and you two got to have lots of cuddles & treats together.

  12. Happy Birthday, Sheldon! I hope that your Mom is back and is going to give you extra treats and toys.


  13. Happy Birthday Sheldon - we hope you got lots of treats and some new toys.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
